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The Ogden police officer many called a hero for helping to stop the Trolley Square shooter has resigned his post after allegations of sexual misconduct.
Officer Ken Hammond resigned on Friday, but we didn't learn about that resignation until today when the Ogden Police Department sent us a one-sentence statement.
The statement didn't say much, simply that Hammond resigned effective Jan. 9. We asked Ogden police for further comment and were told that's "the only thing the police department has to say."
Hammond had been placed on paid leave since October, when police began investigating allegations of sexual misconduct. Two months later, charges were filed against Hammond alleging he had an improper relationship with a teenager back in 2005.
"It appears he has a long history of inappropriate behavior," said attorney Alyson Carter.
Carter represents Natasha Child, the woman who filed a civil suit last month against Hammond after she says he used excessive force and assaulted her during her husband's arrest last year. At that time, Ogden police defended Hammond.
"Keep in mind, this is a constant thing with law enforcement officers. You can go to any police department and find numerous allegations against officers by people. Some of these allegations occasionally have found true; most do not," Ogden Assistant Police Chief Randy Watt said in a Dec. 10 interview.
Now the police department isn't saying much, and neither is Hammond's attorney, Brenda Beaton. Beaton did, however, say Hammond left the department after it became clear he would not be paid on leave or he'd be outright fired.
Beaton also said Hammond felt like he'd given a "lot of dedicated years" to the Ogden Police Department and that the department was not extending that same courtesy to him, which is why he submitted his resignation.
Hammond has reportedly been offered another job, but Beaton won't say where. Some speculate it will not be in law enforcement.
"I'd be surprised if another police department would hire him, just because they would be exposing themselves to so much liability with his history," Carter said.
Hammond faces a third-degree felony count of unlawful sexual conduct. His first court appearance is scheduled for Jan. 27.
"she was charged with disorderly conduct, public intoxication, resisting a police officer and interfering with a police officer on that night, but a judge dropped them all. " This says a lot more about HER than about him.

@Rem - Not a good thing here.

@Hard workin' trooper - Correction: Hammond is best known for taking down shooter Sulejman Talovic's underpants. Really? He took down the Trolley Square murderer? I think that's not quite correct. He interrupted Talovic long enough for the SLC cops to come in and finish him.

@Sally Van Mackelhorn - More then you would have done.

@Karl - Trolley Square is off limits to concealed carry and despite the fact that nearly 3/4 would wet themselves in that kind of situation at least 1/4 would have done the same thing Hammond did. But long before this happened, Trolley Square has prohibited concealed carry at least from carrying on their premises.

@Dcnielsen - I just took a concealed class and as far as I learned it is legal to carry openely or concealed(with proper permit) at any business within the state of utah. Some business may ask you to leave if they see you with a gun, and you should if asked, but it is legal to do so because state law says so. That's what I was taught anyways.

@Cam Man - it is legal for you to carry your concealed weapon on PUBLIC property, it's a whole different subject on PRIVATE property, which Trolley Square is. You can end up in a whole lot of trouble if you don't get your assumptions figured out there.

@R D. - I am unable to get to to confirm, as it appears to be down for me. However this site tends to be fed from the law and FAQ's that the BCI gets, note the specific question on carry in private business: "What about private businesses? Can they post signs prohibiting someone from carrying a gun into their business, even though the person has a concealed firearms permit? Naturally, private property owners may apply whatever restrictions they want. Whether or not these restrictions violate one's constitutional rights is for the civil courts to decide. But the only statutory restrictions on a permit holder are secured areas such as airports and federal buildings." What a private property owner CAN do is ask you to leave if you are caught, and call you on trespassing if you refuse. I carry everywhere that its not explicitly illegal to do so, including Larry H. Millers various 'No Weapons Allowed' businesses. My though is, 1) no one notices anyway, my weapon is securely holstered and concealed 2) if someone did notice they would likely simply ask me to leave, and I would comply and 3) I would rather disobey their silly private restrictions and risk getting kicked out than be in a situation where my families life is in danger, and I am unable to attempt to protect them. Case and Point: Trolley Square.

@Karl - Maybe he may somehow get his job back, and then he can pull your pants down too. I know you need a litte action!

@Sally Van Mackelhorn - Is it a position as Head of Security at Trolley Square?

@Houdini1982 - Yes, he will be the new head of security at Trolly Square. It's a win/win situation, the mall gets protection, and Hammond gets to be around 13 year olds all day. Put the candy down, and step away from the playground.

@Rem - well...the charges against her were all perhaps it says more about him??

@Nobadges - The problem with these stories is that the reporters have no accountability about how poorly they are written. The charges were dropped because Officer hammond did not show up to court to uphold them. In another news release you will read that she had lost a lot of weight recently and her pants were falling down on their own. If the reporters would do their due diligence and write some details, the story would be a lot more transluscent.

@Blake G. - this article is so lame. Most of the people on here do not know the facts of what happened that night (including me) but they will still point fingers and usually at the cop. It's a sad story.

@FroZiN - die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

@2Ringo1 - its just a batman quote, though maybe I mis quoted it, i tend to do that... C'mon people! :P

@FroZiN - The false accusations made against police officers. Usually the public doesn't hear the whole story as afore mentioned. The media just wants to make a juicy story so they'll report whatever they hear. Whether it's true or not. Who are you going to believe though? The man who is there to serve and protect, or the person he is protecting us from? Sad he had to resign because of the situation.

@FroZiN - If you knew anything about how Ogden City works, this goes for the police as well as the fire department. Good 'ole boys at the top. Come on Mayor Godfrey and City Council.....CLEAN HOUSE! Too much corruption in both those departments. Believe me, I KNOW. First hand experience. They need chiefs that go come up the ranks that favor all their little buddies.

@Blake G. - You can be a low life (not saying he is, just saying someone can be) and still do a heroic thing when others might have been cowards. Doing a heroic deed doesn't mean that you are exemplary in other areas and at other times. Think of all the stories where somebody gets busted for something awful, and all those who know him are shocked, then there comes a history of things that nobody knew about (Mark Hacking?). It is too bad that the heroic deed wasn't done by a truly heroic person. We all like good Hollywood endings where the good guy is the hero. Sometimes the bad guy is the hero for a day.

@DNA - I hardly think Officer Hammond is a low life...however assaulting an officer and resisting arrest while you are fighting the police who are arresting your drunk husband that might be a low life...and as for the other situation sometimes things aren't always what they seem, so someone cries wolf...just remember he saved a whole hell of a lot of people that night at trolley square so what he does in his private time is really noones business but his own...isn't it funny how this all just came to light after he got all the recognition for being a hero!!!

@Nobadges - The guy saved lives and that's all I remember as for the drunk loser, I could care less about. If he did what he was charged with, that changes things about his character but not the significance of his heroism, which showed a LOT ABOUT HIM at Trolley Square.

@Rem - Who's to said she was drunk. I mean she was charge with resisting him while he was pulling her pants down. The accusations were made by a now know molester.

@Rem - You sometimes only have seconds to react and the public, court and press have years afterwards to tell you how you should have, could have, aught to have... Not saying this guys is is completely innocent, but we all make mistakes sometimes...

@Oremguy - I am sure this cop didn't make a knee jerk decision. It was most likley thought about ( fantisized) ong before he acted on it.

@fish-on - makes you so sure, opinion or proof? I have no idea if he did as they claim, but I am not ready to condemn him simply because someone "says so".

@budwa - I think he should have been fired. Since he quit, does that mean he can apply at another police department somewhere and be hired? Maybe in another state, even?

@Antenna Girl - What "should" happen? Make sure he never works another day in his life? If he did do it, he will be punished for it, then he should be able to move on with his life.

@Antenna Girl - The only way he could get rehired somewhere is if he is found not guilty of the charges he is facing. POST will decertify any officer for 2 years for even having a class B Mis. He is looking at a 3rd degree felony. In other words if he is found guilty, he won't even be LEO certified.

@Barb C. - It doesn't mean he is working for a police department. My guess is Ken Hammond: Mall Cop...

@Oremguy - her conduct may not have been perfect...but the interviews I have seen seem credible.... more the case being persued criminally...the DA seems to think the testimony is credible... when you keep hearing similar allegations over and over....usually there is a basis for them...

@Nobadges - If a DA can see any way to make a case and or make someone guilty he will. And are these alligations from the same person/group/or group of friends, relatives, or neighbors? Ive seen that before where people will all work together to lie about something to make it seem more plausible, the story doesnt even have to match from one person to the next, all you need is the basics of the story, and a judge with a poor atitude about being at work, etc and its all down hill from there.

@2Ringo1 - You are right, groups will strive to look out for each other and police officers are a group just like a family is. Question is, who is in the wrong. It sounds like officer Hammond was in this case. There is more than one incident and those reporting them are not in the same group or collaborating as you are suggesting.

@Dcnielsen - I was asking a question, because I didnt know... I know alot of people on here assume that asking a question is really making a statement however not for me, for me a question is.... well.... a question. And wouldnt you want to get back at an officer for arresting your husband? THeres alot to the story.

@2Ringo1 - judges will comonly make a guilty verdict on sex/sex offender related issues in order to save their own butt...

@Dcnielsen - ps, im saying the DA... you know... in that same officer group.... is quite possibly inclined to make him guilty.

@Rem - Is an admission of GUILT!!

@Road Warrior - that every move for the rest of his life will be scrutinized, and exploited, and he's decided that we're all not worth the tole its taking on his family. I dont blame him. I wonder if he's begun to regret his moves at Trolley Square yet. I wonder if we have succeeded in making a hero sorry for bothering. I dont know what happened on these other allegations, but I hope that he can go forward and live his life without regret that he acted that day in Trolley Square.

@big bertha - Trolley Square has absolutely nothing to do with the 2 charges he is facing now. Everybody seems to be combining three entireley diffrent incidents into one incident.

@100watts - Complaints are filed against police officers all the time by low life scum, and we never hear about them. How many times do you think some drunk cow accuses cops of improper conduct while they are trying to arrest her, contain her, whatever. Its only because every news agency for the rest of his life will report ANYTHING and EVERYTHING about him that we even know about these allegations, not convictions, ALLEGATIONS. He will be in the spotlight for the rest of his life. Do you not get that?

@big bertha - boo hoo, maybe he can write a book!

@big bertha - Personally I think you have issues with the fact that two wrongs don't make a right, just as doing something good does not negate all the wrongs you have or will do. Otherwise all the criminals we have would be released as soon as they agreed to do something heroic. The only thing officer Hammond had that other officers did not was the way of thinking you are trying to protect. Police officers are already at risk of developing complexes without the attention of heroism. If he is in the right then he can stand again in the spotlight and prove it. Instead he is shrinking from it and most likely regretting the attention he is getting (even criminals who don't make the headlines experience this feeling).

@Dcnielsen - when women are falling down drunk and belligerent they are cows. Ive seen plenty and been one a time or two.

@Rem - She was charged with "resisting" when a police officer had just pulled her pants down. Keep in mind that all of these charges were made by that person who pulled her pants down. This says ALOT about the change that has taken place within todays law enforcement and the honorable image that law enforcement produced in earlier years.

@Rem - resisting a police officer and interfering with a police officer on that night.... Did anyone else catch that? "Resisting a police officer".

@Sasha111 - The most interesting statistic is (despite your humor you are interjecting) how often citizens are being charged with resisting arrest without any other charge indicating what arrest they were resisting.

@Rem - He was put in a position of public trust, the alleged victims in this were not. Either way, its apparent he has crossed the line somewhere or he probably wouldn't be facing these charges.

@Rem - The fact that the judge dropped all charges says something about officer Hammond and nothing about her.

@Rem - that it also says a lot about the Judge for dropping all charges against her. Cops cannot win either way. The judge and the public-why would anybody want to be an officer?

@Rem - What if there was something more going on between these two people? Like maybe they saw each other secretly? And just maybe the charges where dropped becouse she told the Chief she would tell everybody how this big hero is really just a cheat? I like the guy personally! But what if. You are still a hero in alot of peoples eyes and thank you for what you did good Sir.

@Rem - That's cuz the only thing you can say about a turd is it stinks. Notice, the article says, she was charged, and the judge dropped the charges, I think that says alot about this fine upstanding officer.

@Rem - Those are some pretty serious charges and a judge and prosecuting attorneys would not drop them unless there was some type of misconduct. Hammond pulled me over after picking up friends who called for a ride home, even after i passed all of his field sobriety tests he was very rude to me and my passengers. Those who chose not to live by the spirit of the law are judged by the letter of the law. Hopefully he will learn his lesson that he is not above the law....

@Rem - Note: The charges for disorderly conduct, public intoxication, resisting a police officer and interfering with a police officer were dropped, which means she is innocent, which means Officer Hammond most likely lied when writing her up, in order to cover his miserable behind!

@Rem - Who's to said she was drunk. I mean she was charged with resisting him while he was pulling her pants down. The accusations were made by a now know molester.

he will still have to face criminal and civil courts i guess. what a waste and over what, SEX. be serious and GOD BE WITH HIS WIFE THROUGH THIS and i hope she is OK

Dont drop the soap tough guy! I have seen so many cops who think they can do whatever they want because they have a gun and a badge! Its nice to know they are accountable for their actions.

When are you going to get a job?

@Redd Foxx - ReddFoxx: The day you start hiring but make sure you can afford me.

@Rem - I am sorry but I don't have any openings for people that sit on their loin-chops all day. I'll let you know though if anything comes up. Do you have references?

@Redd Foxx - If I sit on my loins, what the **** are you doing here COPYING me? Does it occur to you that I'm getting paid while I'm here? While you're probably wasting your EMPLOYER's time when you should be working? I have great references but I'm not in the market for a JOB. Now get lost.

I quit. Sounds like a guilty verdict to me. Yes he could be innocent, but why just quit and run if you are innocent? Hell I would raise a fuss, take days off work, hire a lawyer, make public statements, do whatever I could to prove my innocense. He just gave up and let the system run him. I say let the system fry him. Though she does not sound very smart either. Oh well.

@fhorn74 - I'll bet he was given a choice. He was probably a real good cop and was offered to either resign or be fired for this. It's like a tragedy, he work hard for the public but he had a fatal flaw, a thing for 16-year-olds, which brought him down. Sad.

@Jgn - You know that sounds more probable then what I posted. But still if he was innocent, why wouldn't his peers and his office help him? Why give him an ultimatum? It's starting to sound a little fishy here. Maybe corrupt Ogden Police office.

i actually had some respect for this guy defending himself, and i'm glad that those new charges were dropped. but for him to say "i quit", is just shameful with no honor. i thought this guy was good, but running away like this changes my mind.

@rangerboy66 - What did you expect him to do? Do you honestly think his career would be the same in Ogden? I think I would much rather resign than be fired!!!

wow...the story states that he was responsible for "taking down" the trolley square shooter? That is a pretty big stretch from what the official reports fact...nobody really knows for sure what he did until more officers arrived..but the video tapes of the final shootout are a prtty good example of how a trained officer should not act ...


@Mikeice - that "cops are crooks" the next time you go to call 911 because you are being robbed or assaulted. Don't bother calling. I feel sorry for this guy. He made a mistake and will forever pay for it. I hope his wife can be understanding.


@Mikeice - You must be a gang banger. Tell us your name so we'll know it was you when we read the KSL story after your next shootout.

@Non_Mbr - Now that is how shallow you are..."must be a gang banger", how long did it take you to come up with that Einstein? must be native Utahan. Bring them young huh!!!

@Mikeice - "Themselfs"??? He may be shallow, but not quite as shallow as your intelligence-level. I love you though, Mikeice, and I'm glad to know that my tax dollars are ultimately destined for you and your illegitimate kids in jail...

@barahir333 - too have a great day. Have fun with sister....or is it your mom?

@Mikeice - That's all you got you wannabe blow-hard punk?? I didn't think I was speaking to someone still in middle-school... Back to class BOY!

@Mikeice - all in three. Or Hehe

@Mikeice - You're partial to grebes, huh? Still bitter about daddy in the Falklands? Please review English before you dare communicate in a forum governed by English. Aren't you supposed to be in 4th period Pre-Algebra right now?
Removed By Moderator
12:01pm - Mon Jan 12th, 2009

@Mikeice - Only if it's a mouthful of cocounut-based curry straight from you. Please... oh please!!! Wannabe Punk.

@barahir333 - have to can have all you want! Remember....I LOVE YOU!

@Mikeice - Let's be friends then. As your friend I'll tell you that the "mother" and "swallow" games have been played many times. But hey, have at it. Also, to have to admit "fishing" defeats the whole purpose of what you were attempting to accomplish, whether you think you were being stealthy or not. But yes, as your friend, I'll be the dumb one, OK sweetie? (If you respond to me I won't consider it a "fishing" success... just LOVE!)

@barahir333 - "also, to have to admit" I love you more you want kiss and make up?...I mean a real kiss, not a peck. Please do not forget how much I love you!!!

@Mikeice - You need to get a life. I cannot believe how pathetic you are. The worst part is you probably think you're hella funny. [removed]

@Mikeice - See ya in Jail when you "take care of the problem" yourself and you don't quite follow the law. You are a moron.

just by looking at his face you can tell that he has a big head about it i hate when people abuse authority and i think that's exactly what he has been doing and again ya'll this is MY opinion i'm not saying this is how he is but that's what i think about him....

In fact, video shows him running away as shots were fired. SLPD took the shooter down.

@WASATCH - "Hammond is best known for taking down shooter Sulejman Talovic during Trolley Square shootings on Feb. 12, 2007." Hammond didn't take down Talovic. Hammond was running the other way like a scared rabbit while swat took him down.

It says that her husband was being arrested, and the officer was charged with sexual misconduct of a minor 16-17 yrs old. She's a minor and married, have to wonder what kind of family she comes.

@SoCalgal - the sexual misconduct with a minor allegedly took place in 2005. The lady and her pants issue occured earlier this year.

@SoCalgal - the story merges two different issues... the criminal charges allege sexual conduct with a minor over several occasions.. the other is a woman that was protesting her husbands arrest..and alleges he acted inappropriatly

@SoCalgal - But if he behaved that way with a 16/17 year old-or any person he was arresting by pulling down their pants, that's something he should be terminated for. At least he was allowed to quit. I feel for his wife and family.

@SoCalgal - He is being charged for the incident with the minor. The wife of the guy being arrested was a seperate case. The story doesn't make this very clear at all.

@SoCalgal - is from another on going investigation of this loser.

@Freeyourmind - What a mess. I actually wish it was all untrue. I wish he'd had a higher set of standards. And I wish his wife wasn't having to go through this, either.

Gotta love those clowns in blue!!! your mom is SO proud of her BABY BOY!!! hey kids when you grow up...DON"T BE LIKE CLOWN OFFICER HAMMOND!

@Mikeice - Mikeice seem to me you have personal experiance with this story, you the one the the pants keep falling off of. Or the Husband

@warrant Officer - CLOWN.....are you next? neither are confused with one of your clown buddies.

@Mikeice - "You are confused with one of your clown buddies"??? Another mental puzzle from Mikeice! Hey Mike... my license plates aren't the same quality any more... could you please do something about that for me?

Thats too bad that he left like that. Did he have a camera on his vehicle when he arrested her and her husband? Was their any proof of his bad actions? Was there any proof of her intoxication? Did they run a BAC on her? So many unanswered questions here. Basically a "she said, he said". Law enforcement personnel are underpaid and under respected by many people. I think we all should reserve judgment when we know so little about what really happened. Sometimes innocent people quit, if they are tired of the hassle. Sometimes guilty people quit, if they are pressured. Lets try not to Monday morning QB here. Just saying...

@Sly O. - I couldn't have said it better. No one knows the facts but they still point fingers at the cop. What a bunch of bull.

@FroZiN - The judge dropped the charges against the woman, which means that as far as the Court is concerned, she wasn't intoxicated. This means that she was falsely accused by Officer Hammond, which is why she will be suing him.

.Ok all of a sudden stuff that happened sometime back starts staring the man in the face. So if all this happened why are they coming at him now? I do not understand why would he want to pull her pants down? That sounds too far fetch to me especially where he had received all those awards .I do not know the man I am sure he is not perfect but why do people wait so long to act on stuff if this all really took place. Was she even sober enough to remember how her pants went down if they did? Another thing here is some one out on a revenge ordeal with the man? I do not know what to believe any more here. We cannot sit and call the people that keep the peace and other duties down names. Officers are human and just because one makes a mistake we do not have to label them all as bad guys. remember that when you need one .They in reality are under paid for the risk they take with some of the stuff that takes place so stop throwing stones at them

@Ria92 - Ria92. The woman is a loser. The guy risked his life going after the shooter at Trolley Square. He was the first one to take action in that situation. The other incident, if it happened, was just bad judgment on this guy's part and he will be punished for that. Demonizing a hero is bad. Next time there is a shooting like that, you will want people like Hammond around and others like him in the police force. You guys ought to think twice before demonizing police officers. Sure, sometimes they make mistakes or get trigger happy at certain situations, but overall, these guys risk their lives everyday for society and if you get in trouble, who are you going to call? Plus they get paid crappy wages to put their lives on the line and they deal mostly with LOSERS every single day. Show some respect for those that serve and protect YOU and your FAMILY.

Sounds like this BOY in blue is out of controll, Reality check time for this guy! It's jerks like this that tarnishes the rest of the dedicated men & woman in Uniform

@Blair N. - So i guess the people in this blogg think that hero hammond is being railroaded. This boy in blue has had repeated offenses againist him or he would'nt be in this much trouble , end of story

@Blair N. - How do you know what his offenses have been? Did you pull his file out of your back pocket just to inform us all? GEE thanks Blair....

@FroZiN - Informantion is the key here. If you have followed this story whatso ever you know the facts. If the egg smells bad, If the egg looks bad, I guess you'd eat it.

@Blair N. - I don't have the facts and neither do you. Stop pointing fingers when you just don't know. I am not saying that he didn't do anything wrong, I am simply saying that the majority of the people in here do not know. Do you believe everything you see or hear on tv? I personally don't, especially when KSL can't even get the two different cases separated.


@Mikeice - They rejected your application, didn't they? Good thing for the public because...well...I will leave that unsaid. It's pretty obvious.

If he wasnt guilty it sure makes you wonder why he is resigning. If he is guilty then I think it makes perfect sense that he would resign. So sad that a hero could do something like this. Sad sad sad.

that i knew what to believe...sometimes it is easier to resign than deal with all the crap that comes from being accused while on the job...i hope this girl is lying....

The stupid female dog that accused Hammond is a stinking filthy female dog, liar, and her piece of crap criminal husband, is the same type of garbage. It is obvious to any Intelligent person, that criminals NEVER EVER have told the truth in their lives. I wish all the Ogden Officers would leave Ogden, and go to Good,Quality, Cities. NO ONE in Ogden is worth protecting, from the Piece Of Garbage Mayor on down, to the lowest piece of garbage lying criminal. I hope Hammond beats these stupid lies. I am glad he is away from the Piece Of Garbage, known as Ogden City. Have a Great Day!!!!!!!!!

@Death Ray - I and my beautiful children live in Ogden and we ARE worth protecting! And so are the other 84,000 residents. Take a chill pill and you have a nice day.

@Death Ray - has such garbage people because the police don't do SHIZ about it...i wish they would leave to and we could get some decent cops for once...

Don't let your babys grow up to be CLOWNS in BLUE!! letthem pick Guitars and drive thenm old trucks..doctors and Lawyers and such!!! HEHEHEHEH!!!

@Mikeice - mikeice, you must have a rap sheet a mile lomg if you officers that bad, what went to the the pokey and drop the soap one to many times. get a bad taste in you mouth.

@warrant Officer - Should be worried about dropping the soap, I hear they REALLY like Boys in BLUE in there!!! Remember to sleep on your back!

@Mikeice - He was the COP wannabe that was caught pretending to be a county sheriff. He is so used to the free coffee that he forgot to look out for the real boyz in blue. Seriously, Mikeice is mad that they took his stash and only slapped his pattys. He can't even be a good thug.

who wants to see mr. gangster mikeice get tasered by a cop? i do.

@fatman101 - A time or two.

@Antenna Girl - Mikeice got rejected when applying for officer training. More than once, apparently. What a bitter little man. Sad...

If he had anything to do with the teen age girl then shame on him and he should resign. As for the other complaint I'm sure he didn't intentionally pull her pants down, this is something that happens sometimes in the course of an arrest. If he was chages with a felony in the first incidnet he can no longer be a cop,get all the facts before you Judge.

for the amount he is being paid, not to mention the fact that he had to shoot someone protecting others lives. I would have quit too.

what is he being charged for--the 2005 incident with the 16 or 17 year old or the 2008 incident with Natasha Child? There seems to be 2 different stories in one. I'm getting confused.

Is not what you want to hear but it's true. When you put on that uniform you are looked up to by the community. We expect integrity, honor and living an example above the rest. You must resist temptation and any other behavior that makes law enforcement look bad. Im sorry that a good officer has lost his job and his career.

Either the girl is dumb or the reporters if it was such a tragic thing that he did to her how does she not know how old she was a...... i think i was either 16 or 17 come on she knows nothing about nothing. and to complain about it 2 years later

Does any one know if Mr. Hammond is related to the Hammond family of Weber/Davis county law enforcement??

I get so tired of these skanks bringing down good guys. We all know it was consensual. We need to lower the age of consent to REFLECT THE REALITY that women really are capable of saying "yes" before the age of 18. I'm sick of the law giving these skanky females an excuse AND a tool for prosecutors to send good guys to prison.

@Jon Hunts-taxman - the age of consent should be 16

@Jon Hunts-taxman - I'm not saying this because I support young people having pre marital sex, because I don't. I'm saying all of this because I WANT EQUALITY BEFORE THE LAW for males and females. Currently, 16 and 17 year old females get to escape responsibility for ENTICING males, while the guy sits in prison for doing what she enticed him to do.

@Jon Hunts-taxman - I've done paralegal work. The age of consent in Utah is actually 15. If two 15 year olds are playing nasty, there is nothing you can do about it. If 1 person is 15 and the other is 18 or older, the 18 year old can get busted for statutory rape-- meaning that a 15 year old can consent to be with a 15, 16 or 17 year old, but a 15 year old "cannot" consent to be with an 18 year old or older.

This summer I was "Rodney Kinged" as some witness's described it. My friend sustained a severe head injury after being extremely overserved by a local "club/golf course." I was the only one around and called 911. It took 24 minutes for paramedics to arrive even though there is 2 Fire Stations within 6 blocks of this establishment. The paramedics were made to "stage"(wait) until Weber County Sheriffs could take control of the scene. Even though we were at an upscale, non-violent if you will, place. And I made it very clear to the 911 operator that my friend was bleeding severly from his head. As soon as the cops arrived I was forced to leave my friends side, where I had been trying to stop the blood loss for almost 30 minutes. I was then accused, thrown to the ground, stomped on by 4 officers, roughed up, handcuffed, arrested, put in a jail cell with violent criminals, stripped, photographed, released, investigated, had 25 year friendships ruined by the blatent lies of an investigator, forced to seek council, AND NEVER CHARGED WITH ANYTHING! All at the objections of my friend who was injured. He was screaming that I didn't do anything! So whether or not this officer is guilty of sexual misconduct or not is irrelivant. The fact that he used that kind of force on any person is enough for him to at least lose his job.

@V for Vendetta - since you dont even blame your drunk friend for drinking too much, he was "overserved". Thats funny. The comments on this board are killing me today...

Cops are just as good and bad as other folks, but they do have one aspect to their jobs that is different than others--they have authority backed up with weapons. Though this particular cop may have been Mr. Clean, it may also be he's been accused of this stuff before and this is the first time the DA could make it stick. There are so many good law enforcement officers, but unfortunately, there are some creeps. Yes, the woman he allegedly hurt was drunk (maybe she was practicing to be a movie star or a politician, ha ha) but just because her drunkeness makes her an easy target doesn't mean anyone can hurt her. And that may be what happened. The cop saw an opportunity to perpetrate her because she was drunk and partially defenseless. Whatever--it's a sad story. MM

In olden times those accused or convicted of crimes were sent to pillory or as some call it the "stockade." There heads and hands locking into the pillory, the miscreant stood in this awful and uncomfortable position while passers by congregated to mock,scorn, harrass and throw things at the accused. In some instances a nose was slit with a knife or the ears cut off and nailed to the pillory to enhance the pain and the shame of it all. The modern version of the pillory was not sanctioned by or created by the state. Its creation was of our own making. All we needed was a free forum and bunch of passers by to join in the throng of cynics, hecklers and other citizens whose opinions are valued mostly by their own enlarged egos. Have your day. This officer's time at the pillory is not soon to end until we move on to the next hapless victim.

That is because the brotherhood of police did not like his religious/political views that he had. If you are not with the in crowd and don't believe in same things, if you piss off a person higher up in position you can forget getting any help from your fellow officers. No matter how good a friends you were or thought you were with. Have seen that happen to some one we know personally. They label you guilty just like people on this board without knowing all the facts.

So the female is 16/17 and is legally married? (since the article was referring to "her husband was being arrested"). Does she have parental or judicial consent? Because the legal age of marriage is 18.

@Todd W. - I was reading the story and this is something I noticed. It may not be directly relevant but that's what the comments board is for.

@Todd W. - 1) underage, with whom this officer has been charged for having sexual reations 2) suing him for his alleged use of excessive force etc, when he arrested her for being drunk and belligerent

According to his myspace page. Yeah right. 16 or 17 consensual or not tax man he is no better than the other pervs he has been putting away. get a rope for the boy no longer in blue. A preditor, maybe

He pulled her pants down? Get real. This is the basis for a sexual misconduct investigation? I know that there are bad cops out there - but I don't believe this is one of them. Shame on Ogden for not taking his side. If we let these drunken little hussies get out of their problems by yelling "rape" then we are just plain stupid. And, if this was one of the "bad guys," he still wouldn't have been stupid enough to molest the woman while he was arresting the husband! I think it is more likely that her hip huggers quit hugging and she was too drunk to know.

I really doubt the sexual misconduct slant the news is using for ratings in this case. I think he used excessive force and, just like the law does, she loaded her case up with every single charge she could think of. Most of which will be dropped. I think it very telling that he didn't show up to the court proceedings on her. I hope that all officers learn from this. You are PEACE officers and we are you CLIENTS. Back off, relax, and don't fly off the handles or you will be held accountable.

It appears theres a lot people are missing on this story. The woman pictured in the story has filed suit. The allegation stems from an incident with another female who is the minor. I think many times there are false reports from woman. But two in the recent months? Maybe theres some fire from this smoke.

is probably caught between a rock and a hard place. If they work hard to defend Hammond, they are putting the department funds at risk because if a THIRD incident happens with Hammond, they could get sued for millions. Even without a third incident, the department could appear to be tacitly approving the pulling down the pants of marginally attractive women or messing around with minors. If they fire Hammond or don't back him vehemently, they are the bad guys, but they probably won't be at risk financially as much. They probably cut a back room deal with him and said good luck with life. I have no idea how much he is guilty of the allegations, but at this point I am not sure it matters much as he probably has no wherewithal to pay a big lawsuit and the department has distanced themselves from him. I highly doubt he will be convicted of anything based on the testimony of a drunk lady.

This is the same cop that ticketed my son for going 26 in a 20 mph School Zone. This is why this cop is now an ex-cop. By the way, it was a Sunday morning and the kids were walking to Church. No wonder our court systems are jammed.

@Don S. - Teach your son to be a better driver. Speeding IS speeding. What would your insurance be like if he ran over a kid?

@Don S. - If my son gets a ticket going 26 in a 20, he will get HE!! from me - not my defending him against the cop. So what if it is Sunday? If the speed limit is 20, then go 20. Period.

@Don S. - There is a reason he got a ticket idiot!!! 26 in a 20 is SPEEDING!!! Wow...that was hard to figure out!!! Why don't you tell your son to slow down ESPECIALLY IN A SCHOOL ZONE instead of blaming an officer for your sons actions!!!

What Hammond did at Trolley Square will ALWAYS be heroic. What he is now accused of is unfortunate because if he is guilty, he has his own problems he will have to face. If he is not guilty, he will never recover from the from this attack.

I'm so sick of women dodging responsibility for enticing men. It was consensual and we all know it. The age of consent should be lowered to 16 so there can be equality before the law.

@Jon Hunts-taxman - but he is also a cop and its against the law to have sex with a how can he enforce laws that he himself cannot obey. Plus he is married poor wife.

@Jon Hunts-taxman - You really want it to be legal for your 16 year old daughter to consent to sex with a 30+ year old. Did ya fall and hit your head???? Those laws are in place for a reason.

@Daniellemrm1978 - I'm sorry you have such a difficult time understanding a simple position, but let's try this again and see if you can follow: It is not just for females to be able to walk away scot free after ENTICING males to have sex and getting them sent to prison. If you can't figure out injustice when it is laid before your eyes then you are just plain stupid. If you don't like the idea of lowering the age of consent to reflect the reality that these girls WANT sex and they ENTICE males, then fine, let's start locking up these sluts for just as long as we lock up the males. Yea that's what I thought, you wouldn't support that because you're a coward and you DON'T support equality before the law. You want males sent to jail but the enticer gets to walk around free, acting like a victim and enticing more guys. How you can defend that is incredible.

Good luck and I hope you can resolve your issues. Thanks for "manning up" when things went nuts at Trolley Square.

what he did in T.S was great but that is not the story. he had sex with a M I N O R! Bottom line. why do they keep bringing up the fact that he was involved in trolly square. are they trying to justify what he did?


are duesch bags...every single one that ive met...they do nothing about ANYTHING unless its a huge drug bust or something that will make the news...i had my window shot out while driving and all they did was knock on the door of the house it came from and since nobody answered the door the case was county sherriffs are joke two i have personally been sexually harassed by two different WCS and when i reported it they did honestly surprised that this actually has gone as far as it did...he is no hero he is just an idiot who happened to be at the right place at the right time...good riddens...

@Annie B. - do you have any idea the picture you are painting of yourself? You have had your windows shot out AND been sexually harrassed by two different police officers in your life? Unbelievable. Its unbelievable to me that people like you actually believe your own crap. You dont even live in reality or understand the odds of all these things not happening to one person in one lifetime. You make yourself sound like an idiot and you make it hard for women who truly are victims of such violence to be taken seriously.

@big bertha - I'm not certain Annie B. is making this up. I used to live in West Valley and I was pulled over twice - at different times - by officers who hit on me and asked me out. Also, a long time ago, at the Harmon's Grocery Store in West Valley, there was a West Valley officer by the name of Ron Benson who was married and would hit on the employees at Harmons. He hit on me as well one day while I was grocery shopping. Next while living in West Valley, I called the police twice because of incidents with an ex-husband, whereas I felt threatened-- they never showed up! And last, I was pulled over in my own driveway by Officer Paula Lazano because I had an expired registration. The next thing I know, I had a face full of pepper spray and was surrounded by cops because officer (idiot) Lazano believed I had violated a protective order (that didn't exist). Needless to say, I have long since moved, and will never live in West Valley again because of the incompetent West Valley police force-- it's no wonder they have such a high crime rate in West Valley; they're a bunch of idiots! Point is, unfortunately there are "a lot" of officers who don't belong on "any" police force, and we're all better off taking care of ourselves and our own.

@Augiesmom - Yes but, you are recounting actual incidents. Annie B is saying she was sexually harrassed. There is a difference in sexual harrassment and asking somebody out. My brother is a cop. He married a waitress at the restaurant that he used to go for lunch. I guess she could have called it sexual harrassment, but instead she chose to date him and then decided to marry him. Last I checked this was of her own accord. I used to get hit on by the cop that worked at department store I worked at, I wasnt interested in him. It never once occurred to me to call it sexual harrassment. He was interested in me. Just because he is a cop is he suppsed to have blinders on? I mean I was hotty for crying out loud. Annie B also said that every single police officer she met is bad. If every single police officer she's ever met has been an a** then she is obviously some sort of social deviant. I would say 2 of all the cops Ive ever met in my life were jerks. I would think thats more the norm.

Most police officer's are just criminals that became cop's so they can keep on doing criminal act's while hiding behind a badge of shame!!!!!

I have Personally been harassed by this Oinker. This is the standard tuff guy, no conversation, pull you over for a light that is not out and harass you until he sees either a crime or that your doing nothing wrong, (The Later for me). I think it is awesome that he got busted for being crooked. I hope he goes to prison and gets what he deserves. And for the first comment here Ya it says a lot the judge dropped everything either to protect his officer or because they were false charges. Can we get some perjury added to his rap sheet?

@Gemini.juse - file a complaint, call KSL, shout it from the rooftops!! Now aren't you glad you didn't complain when it actually happened? This way you get to be on TV!

He is a hero and doesn't need to put up with this! Some one is just out for money and this is there easy way out!

It's like we barely knew you. Just shows that one act does not define a person's life, either the TS incident or the adultery. Hope this guy figures out his life. As for the ignorants who think that cops can do no wrong, wake up. As for the ignorants who think that all cops are bad, wake up. No side can judge or be judged by one act or one person!

There was a special on I think E! like 3 months ago about the top 10 crazy stories and number 6 was the Trolley Square shooting. And it shows Hammonds wife going into detail about the events and them showing what a hero he was. Anyways, my prayers go out to her! If MY Husband was going after a minor I might get my own gun...

It is hard to live your life with integrity, especially as an officer. Everybody puts a spotlight on you because you carry the badge and gun...I know, I am an officer. Everyone can be enticed to do stupid things. Not even the best are immune to weaknesses.

Allegations are so easy to make. Then the officer is tried and convicted in the media and in for the fight of his life! There are some facts. The facts are that he saved many lives that night in trolley square. While others ran from the gunman, he ran toward him! I hope that everyone that was either there that night or maybe had a loved one spared will remember Officer Hammond in their prayers! I dont know if any of the allegations against him are even true. Even if they are, are there any of us who have not done something they later regretted with all their hearts?? As to the wife of the drunk driver...I have zero tolerence for anyone driving under the influence or those that defend them! Many innocent lives are lost to drunk drivers. If the worst that happened to her and her husband was to lose a little dignity they got off lucky!!
9:55am - Mon Jan 12th, 2009